i3D Photo is an application for generating three-dimensional photos. The program will do this by combining two photographs taken with a slight difference in angle, which you can create just with a slight move of the camera, first to the left and then to the right of an object.
i3D will align the two photos if there is any difference in the height. The program will then mix both images, separating the red and green tones in the picture. It can fix the colors, too. If you want to appreciate the 3D effect, you will need to look at the resulting picture wearing the classic Red/Green glasses that are commonly used to view this kind of 3D images. You can also create three-dimensional stereo images, to appreciate the 3D effect without wearing special glasses.
NemoInfo i3D Photo will allow you to save the images as JPG files, which you can then print or send by e-mail to your friends. You can even save the images using the .JPS file format, which will produce a .JPG file with the two images side by side.